Exhibition: "Money, Money, Money"

Exhibition: "Welcome@Hotel Global"

Exhibition: "Look What You're Buying!"

Exhibition: "Tell Me Something About Death"

Exhibition: "Say, What Was The GDR?"

Exhibition: "Look What You're Buying!"

Exhibition "Bears, Bulls & Brokers"

Exhibition "All Things Family"

Our Philosophy & Educational Approach
Alice Museum For Children
You won't find any "Do not touch" signs at the Alice Museum for Children in the FEZ Berlin. Our museum philosophy is that children should be able to actively get involved with their learning. They should have the freedom to ask questions and pursue unusual topics that are often hidden within their daily lives. The answer, or indeed answers, to questions are there in our exhibition but it's the children's job to find them. We aim to make surprises of everyday life, thought-provoking discussions and even more daring topics accessible and tangible to all our young visitors.