Exhibition: "Money, Money, Money"

Exhibition: "Welcome@Hotel Global"

Exhibition: "Look What You're Buying!"

Exhibition: "Tell Me Something About Death"

Exhibition: "Say, What Was The GDR?"

Exhibition: "Look What You're Buying!"

Exhibition "Bears, Bulls & Brokers"

Exhibition "All Things Family"

Our Philosophy & Educational Approach

Alice Museum For Children

You won't find any "Do not touch" signs at the Alice Museum for Children in the FEZ Berlin. Our museum philosophy is that children should be able to actively get involved with their learning. They should have the freedom to ask questions and pursue unusual topics that are often hidden within their daily lives. The answer, or indeed answers, to questions are there in our exhibition but it's the children's job to find them. We aim to make surprises of everyday life, thought-provoking discussions and even more daring topics accessible and tangible to all our young visitors.

Current topics that affect the present are the usual focus here along with everything that plays an important role in our lives, no matter how big or small. We invite visitors to our exhibition to enter into dialogue, think beyond boundaries and get ready to be inspired. We are motivated by the challenge of bringing seemingly complicated content into tangible spaces so that every generation can experience it in a tailored and interactive way.

Our exhibitions are lovingly created after dialogue with partners, artists and children and young people themselves. Therefore, we can be sure that each exhibition will inspire action and play while also encouraging further reflection. After finishing at the FEZ, the exhibtions go on tour, enjoying success abroad as well as in various locations around Germany. In addition, we also organise projects and a variety of hands-on activities in public spaces throughout Berlin.

The Alice Museum For Children

...sees itself as a creative and young museum that addresses the major issues of our world. With hands-on, interactive and experimental concepts, the FEZ aims to be a 'learning-to-see' museum, where visitors can develop their understanding and come up with new ideas by taking a closer look. To do this, we are always looking for our own unique language to get our message across, and developing different environments in conjunction with partners from the worlds of science, culture and the arts. Thanks to this preparation and research, as well as our accompanying educational material, we have earned an excellent reputation within the European museum landscape and are known for creating sustainable places of encounter, discovery and dialogue over and over again. Our aim is always to network with relevant educational and cultural partners.

Our Philosophy

But what characterises the FEZ? We aim to exhibit instead of simply display. We want our visitors to understand, participate and learn with all of their senses.

We have been developing (travelling) exhibitions for children, young people and families since 2002. We translate the complex topics of everyday life, history, art and science into lively spaces where children can explore fully and have fun. We want to give visitors the chance to get to know the world in all its diverse guises and understand its complexities. In doing so, we hope visitors are empowered to become more confident and self-reliant.

Our Visitors

The exhibitions we stage are created mainly with children and young people of primary and secondary school age in mind.

In addition, our special Kindergarten Day has become a particular highlight. On this day, groups of pre-school children are able to attend with their teachers and enjoy a special learning experience tailored specifically to their younger age.