Look What You're Buying

Say, What Was The GDR?!

All Things Family!

Review Of Previous Exhibitions & Projects

Exhibitions (In-house Productions):

Escape to Freedom (2017)
A cooperative real-time adventure

Pop up Cranach (2014/2015)
A production by the Alice Museum for Children in the FEZ Berlin and the Luther Memorial Foundation in Sachsen-Anhalt.

Welcome@HotelGlobal (2011)
A production by the Alice Museum for Children in the FEZ-Berlin and the Edwin Scharff Museum in Neu-Ulm in cooperation with the ZOOM Children's Museum in Vienna and the children's museum FRida & freD in Graz.

Say, What Was The GDR?! (2009)
An historical adventure for children and young people.

All Things Family! (2007)
An interactive exhibition of the Alice Museum for Children in the FEZ Berlin in cooperation with the Francke Foundation in Halle.

Money, Money, Money / Stock Exchange Game (2005)
In cooperation with the K!lick Children's Museum in Hamburg.

Look What You're Buying! (2004)
An interactive exhibition for big and small.

Tell Me Something About Death (2002)
An exhibition about the before and after.

Guest Exhibitions:

Caution! Building Site! (2012)
An interactive exhibition in the FEZ from the Zoom Kindermuseum in Vienna aimed at kids aged 6-12.

Cult Of 12 - or: Why Is Sunday Called Sunday?(2010)
An interactive exhibition for familes from the Rheinischen LandesMuseums in Bonn/LVR, the Kinder Akademie in Fulda with the support of MAUS OLEUM exhibition society and WDR in Cologne.



Young House of One - Theses For The Future (Mai 2017)
An interactive building site on Petriplatz, Berlin.

Labour Vision Freindship (2015)
A production from the Alice Museum in the FEZ in cooperation with culture projects in Berlin and the Edwin Scharff Museum in Neu-Ulm

Alice In The Soundbox (2014)
A project of the Alice Museum For Children in the FEZ with the support of zapf umzüge.