Tell Me Something About Death

An interactive exhibition from the Alice Museum for Children in cooperation with the Francke Foundations in Halle.

An Unusual Invitation

The "Tell Me Something About Death" exhibition is the basis of a very unusual invitation for people aged 6 to 99. If you choose to accept it, you'll be confronted with a topic that tends to cause fear in our society and for which we struggle to find the right words.

Nonetheless, we hope you'll face the exhibition with an open mind and, perhaps even a smile, as you take a step 'to the other side' and learn from other cultures that there are a great many ways of dealing with death.

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The most recent location where Tell Me Something About Death was exhibited was in the Edwin Scharff Museum in Neu-Ulm, where it was open to the public from 22nd October 2022 to 30th June 2024.

The video above shows a few impressions of how it looked.
©Isabell Kähny from südwestliebe


From 2025 the exhibition will be moving on to Ingelheim, MitMachAusstellung e.V..

Stations In The Exhibition

Based on the "last journey" metaphor, visitors will set off on a voyage through an unknown land, encountering a series of walk-through scenes, each dealing with various aspects of life and death.

Fairytales, myths and games will all be presented which help people to deal with explaining and understanding the concepts of life and death.

Other topics such as age, time and mortality will also be brought to life in a fun and creative way.

Key Data

Recommended Age Group: 6-99 years
Suitable for youth groups (Hort, schools etc) as well as for individuals

The exhibition contains 13 'stations', each with its own topic:
Travel Agency, Time Machine, From Birth to Death, Room of Memories, Gallery of Ages, Laboratory of Immortality, Death in Fairy Tales, Games & Death, Cinema, Grandad Is Ill, Paradise Garden, The Undertaker's, In the Kingdom of Osiris, Ofrenda (A Mexican festival of death).

Area: around 450 m²
Set-up time: around 12 days
Time to take down: around 5 days

More Information & Accompanying Materials

In autumn 2002, a very unusual exhibition was opened at the FEZ Berlin for the first time. Bearing the title "Tell Me Something About Death", the exhibition was initially aimed for children aged 6 and up, but versions of the exhibition were soon opened up and made more accessible to younger children, as well as adults.
Since then, the exhibition has been loaned out with great success to 17 different locations in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg.
Handout for exhibitors (in German)

Information for parents and teachers:
Talking to children about death - a short introduction:
Handout for parents and teachers

Press Reviews

A wide variety of 'stations' - some of which will make you laugh, some of which will make you think. Despite the topic, the vast majority of visitors leave the exhibition much happier when they arrived. The exhibition shows various ways of dealing with death that contrast starkly with the anxiety that the topic normally brings. (17)

Magazin für Bestattungskultur, 01/2024

More Press Reviews

Visitor Feedback

"We visited with our preschool children. The tour was perfectly orientated to our children and we had a very interesting morning. Many thanks!!!"


"Thank you so much for this beautiful, touching experience I had"
Maja (14 years old), 02.05.2018

More testimonials


Have we piqued your interest? Then get in touch with us!
We are happy to make you an offer for the hire of this exhibition:

Alice – Museum für Kinder
im FEZ-Berlin

Straße zum FEZ 2
12459 Berlin

Tel: +49(30)53071-181

Previous Locations

  • First exhibition
    Berlin, Alice Museum for Children at the FEZ Berlin – 2002 
  • Kassel, Museum Museum for Sepulchral Culture – 2003
  • Halle, Franckesche Stiftung – 2004
  • Dresden, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte – 2004
  • Munich, Children's Museum of the City of Munich – 2005 
  • Hamburg, Helms-Museum – 2005
  • Oldenburg, Arbeitsstelle für Religionspädagogik – 2005 
  • Hannover, Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum – 2006 
  • Lörrach, Museum am Burghof – 2006
  • Luxembourg, European Capital of Culture – 2007 
  • Solingen, Blade Museum – 2008
  • Dortmund, mondo mio! Children's Museum in Westfalenpark – 2008

Previous Locations

  • Berlin, Parochialkirche – 2008 
  • Vienna, ZOOM Children's Museum – 2009 
  • Graz, Children's Museum FRida & freD – 2010/2011
  • Neu-Ulm, Edwin Scharff Museum – 2012
  • Berlin, rbb Fernsehzentrum an der Masurenallee – 2012 
  • Bielefeld, Naturkundemuseum Natur – Mensch – Umwelt – 2013/2014
  • Innsbruck, Hofbrug Innsbruck – 2015 
  • Berlin, Alice – Museum for Children at the FEZ – 2017/18
  • Hofheim, City Museum – 2019
  • Neu-Ulm, Edwin Scharff Museum – 2023/2024
  • The next exhibition location: 
    Ingelheim, MitMachAusstellung e.V. – from 2025